
[Dec 2024] Congratulations are in order for our very own advisor, on receiving the Research Excellence Award from Cornell University.
The awards were presented at a Cornell Engineering faculty reception held on Dec. 10.
Recipients are nominated by their departments and selected by a committee for more than just their individual research outcomes. Awardees are also recognized for their impacts on society, reputation in the field, leadership, mentorship and citizenship within the college and university.
Read more about this achievement here.

[Oct 2024] Congratulations to Ashlee Gabourel on passing her PhD candidacy exam (A exam).

[Oct 2024] Congratulations to Gregory Sharma on winning the ELI undergraduate research award. This award will support his research in the lab.

[Sep 2024] Congratulations are in order for our very own advisor, who has been awarded the 2025 Young Innovator in Materials Science of Additive Manufacturing Award from The Minerals, Metals & Materials Society (TMS).

[July 2024] Congratulations to Dr. Jenniffer Bustillos, Dr. Chenxi Tian, and Dr. Akane Wakai (left to right) on passing their B exam.

[May 2024] Congratulations to PhD students Mahya Azizi and Akula Sai Pratyush who passed their Qualifying exams in the department of materials science and engineering and Sibley school of mechanical and aerospace engineering.

[Apr 2024] Our students at LAMM had the opportunity to participate at the Expanding your Horizons (EYH) conference hosted at Cornell. The EYH conference is a 1 day immersive experience for 7-8th grade school girls across upstate NY with interests in exploring Math and Science related fields. Hosted by graduate students at Cornell, our PhD students (Mahya Azizi, Ashlee Gaboureel and Adrita Dass) shared with students the kind of work we do in Additive manufacturing and the impact it can have in our society.
We are excited to be part of this program and serving as role models for girls looking to pursue careers in STEM fields.

[Dec 2023] Our lab has been awarded supplementary funding under the DOD “Defense University Research Instrumentation Program” to support the acquisition of a L-PBF system.
This is a great addition to the suite of AM technologies at Cornell.

[Nov 2023] Our PI, Prof. Atieh Moridi, has been awarded The Minerals, Metals & Materials Society (TMS) Early Career Faculty Fellow award.
She will be presenting a lecture on “The Power of Instability: Non-Equilibrium Dynamics in Additive Manufacturing and Professional Development” at the Emerging Leaders Tutorial Luncheon on Tuesday, March 5, during the TMS 2024 Annual Meeting in Orlando, Florida.
Read more about the award here
Congratulations are in order and we are excited to see you all in Florida next year !

[Oct 2023] The LAMM team was recently featured in the Cornell Chronicle with a piece titled: “X-rays reveal microstructural fingerprints of 3D-printed alloy.” This article highlights our recent publication in the Communications Materials journal, a journal in the Nature family. This work describes our collaborations with the Cornell High Energy Synchrotron Source in identifying key events modifying the microstructure of additive manufacture metals as they are being printed .
Read the chronicle piece:
Read our paper:
Congrats to the authors!!

[July 2023] Congratulations to MS students Ajay Pillai and Yuhui Li who successfully defended their MS thesis (M-exam) in the Sibley School of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering. We can’t wait to celebrate more of your future successes!

[May 2023] Congratulations to PhD student Juan Antonio Vega who passed his Qualifying exam in the Sibley School of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering

[May 2023] PhD candidate Kaushalendra Singh presented “DynaSD: Dynamic Sized Droplet printing” a new AM technology invented in our lab at the first 2023 Ignite Showcase at the Cornell Statler hotel.

[Apr 2023] Congratulations to Kaushalendra Singh who passed his A exam this past April. We are excited to see his future research endeavors in the field of Materials and Innovation in additive manufacturing

[Apr 2023] Undergraduate student Samantha Wang presented her research this past week at the Engineering Learning Initiatives Poster session. Her poster is titled “Additive manufacturing of functionally gradient refractory coatings using substrate dilution and in-situ carbide formation”

[Apr 2023] Ashlee Gabourel, a second-year PhD student in our lab, has been granted the NSTGRO NASA fellowship, and we extend our congratulations to her. This prestigious award is in addition to her prior GEM and NSF fellowships, making for a remarkable achievement. We anticipate a challenging choice ahead, but we are confident that Ashlee will continue to excel. We look forward to seeing her accomplishments in the future!

[Mar 2023] Congratulations to Ashlee Gabourel who has been awarded the prestigious NSF Graduate Research Fellowship Program (GRFP). Ashlee is a 2nd year PhD student in Materials Science and will explore the depths of additive manufacturing of refractory HEA’s throughout her time at LAMM

[Mar 2023] Congratulations are in order for our very own advisor, who has been named “Aref and Manon Lahham Faculty Fellow” in the College of Engineering at Cornell University!
This fellowship recognizes her early contributions to the field of additive manufacturing, and the important role she has played in advancing diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging within STEM broadly and within the College of Engineering community.
We are thankful to be part of this journey of success and making a difference in the AM/Engineering field!

[Mar 2023] The Moridi Group had a fantastic time at TMS 2023 in San Diego, CA this week. We had a great week of successfully delivered talks, and got a chance to explore the wide range of topics in AM.
See you next year in Orlando for TMS 2024
[Mar 2023] The Moridi Group is proud to celebrate the 150 years of Mechanical Engineering at Cornell University
Check out a feat by our very own Prof. Atieh Moridi as she describes the role we take in the future of the school

[Dec 2022] Moridi Group congratulates Akula Sai Pratyush and Rishi Munnangi on passing their M Exam!

[Nov 2022] Congratulations to Prof. Moridi on winning the Johnson & Johnson WiSTEM2D Scholars award for her work on “Improving 3d printing to make better bone implants for patients. You can read more about it at &

[Oct 2022] Congratulations to Moridi group for receiving the collaborative CCMR seed grant on “Combining Reasoning and Learning for Accelerating Discovery of Refractory High Energy Alloys”. You can read the abstract here:

[Oct 2022] Moridi Group celebrates Toby Tian, Jennifer Bustillos and Akane Wakai for passing their A-exams at Cornell Dairy Bar!

[Oct 2022] Moridi Group congratulates Akane Wakai on passing her A Exam!

[Sep 2022] Moridi Group congratulates Samantha Wang on winning the ELI undergraduate research award.

[Aug 2022] Moridi Group hosted August Brueggemann as part of the CCMR REU program to study radiographs of immiscible alloys using synchrtorn data.

[Aug 2022] Moridi Group congratulates Chenxi Tian (Toby) and Jenniffer Bustillos on passing their A Exam!

[June 2022] Moridi group congratulates Ashlee Gabourel on passing her Q exam!

[June 2022] Congratulations to Prof. Moridi on winning the Department of Energy early career award for the proposal titled as “Isotropic microstructure and defect tolerance in additive manufacturing by leveraging metastability in alloy design.” You can read more about it at and Cornell Chronicle.
[Apr 2022] Moridi Group congratulates Jenniffer Bustillos for winning AM day poster award in the category of “most innovative research”.

[Apr 2022] Moridi Group congratulates Jamie Dawson on winning the ELI undergraduate research award.
[Feb 2022] Our Group work is on 3D printing of metals is featured on the winter 2022 edition of Cornell Engineering Magazine.

[Jan 2022] Congratulations to Prof. Moridi for receiving the ONR-YIP award.

[Jan 2022] Moridi Group receives Ignite Innovation Acceleration fund for commercialization of our metal 3D printer. Congratulations again Kaushalendra Singh and George Abbott!

[Jan 2022] Moridi Group receives funding on a scale up proposal that supports building an AM prototype based on the concept by Kaushalendra Singh and George Abbott. Congratulations!

[Oct 2021] Our paper “Exploiting Lack of Fusion Defects for Microstructural Engineering in Additive Manufactuing” is published in Additive Manufacturing Journal, and also featured in the Cornell Chronicle

[Aug 2021]Moridi Group congratulates Shonak Battacharya for passing his M-Exam! His thesis title is “Designing of Porous Structures For Orthopedic Applications Using Additive Manufacturing”.

[July 2021]Our paper ” Data Driven Approaches Toward Smarter Additive Manufacturing” is published in Advanced Intelligent Systems .

[July 2021]Moridi Group congratulates Jennifer Bustillos on winning the TMS Henry DeWitt award! You can read more about it at TMS Scholarship

[July 2021]Prof. Moridi gave an invited talk at CHESS 2030 workshop entitled “Engineering, Structural, and Geological Materials from Processing to Performance” on “In-operando x-ray diffraction studies of metal additive manufacturing”.

[May 2021]Moridi Group welcomes Angelique Jan Miane, a junior from the University of Buffalo. She has been selected through CCMR undergraduate research program to spend the summer at Cornell.

[May 2021]Moridi Group congratulates Kaushalendra Singh and Adrita Dass on passing their Q Exam

[Apr 2021] Moridi Group congratulates George Abbott on winning the ELI undergraduate research award.

[Mar 2021] Prof. Moridi won the Schwartz research award for her work on “Design of biodegradable metal implants”. Cornell Chronicle

[Jan 2021] Moridi Group congratulates Prof. Moridi on winning the most prestigious NSF CAREER award.

[Dec 2020] Cornell University’s multi-disciplinary team advised by Prof. Atieh Moridi and led by MAE PhD candidate Adrita Dass has been selected for funding by NASA’s University Student Research Challenge (USRC). The proposal is titled “Real time quality control in additive manufacturing using in process sensing and machine learning”.

[Nov 2020] Our paper “Solid-State Additive Manufacturing of Porous Ti-6Al-4V by Supersonic Impact” is published in Applied Materials Today, and also featured in the Cornell Chronicle and Digital Trends.

[Nov 2020] Prof. Moridi gave an invited talk at Syracuse University on “Pushing Property Limits via Additive Manufacturing”.

[Sept 2020] Prof. Moridi presented a webinar on “Additive Manufacturing of Metals: Complex Microstructures and Architecture Design” at the Materials Research Society (MRS) On-Demand Webinar Series. There were over 300 live participants in attendance.

[Sept 2020] Moridi Group congratulates Akane Wakai, Chenxi Tian (Toby) and Jenniffer Bustillos on passing their Q Exam!

[Aug 2020] Moridi Group congratulates Adrita Dass on passing her M Exam! She will continue to be a part of this group while pursuing her PhD here at Cornell.

[Aug 2020] Moridi Group congratulates Jenniffer Bustillos for winning the Kavli Institute at Cornell for Nanoscale Science Engineering graduate fellowship.

[June 2020] Our paper “Materials and manufacturing renaissance: Additive manufacturing of high entropy alloys” was published in the Journal of Materials Research.

[May 2020] Moridi Group congratulates Kenny Shaughnessy on graduating from the Master’s of Engineering in Mechanical Engineering program from Cornell University. All the best for your future endeavours Kenny!

[April 2020] Moridi Group congratulates Akane Wakai for winning the prestigious NASA Fellowship Award.

[March 2020] Moridi Group conducted a series of successful experiments at Cornell High Energy Synchrotron Source (CHESS). Stay tuned for the results..

[Feb 2020] Moridi Group held two talks at the TMS Conference 2020, and the “Alloy Design for Additive Manufacturing” organized by Prof. Moridi was a success. Looking forward to TMS 2021!

[Jan 2020] Prof. Moridi visited Moog Inc. to build a partnership with their additive manufacturing team while presenting the capabilities of the group in the field.

[Dec 2019] Moridi Group celebrated their first Friendsgiving.

[Dec 2019] Prof. Moridi’s paper titled “Deformation and failure mechanisms of Ti–6Al–4V as built by selective laser melting”, was recently published on Materials Science and Engineering: A. Congratulations!

[Nov 2019] Prof. Moridi gave an invited talk at the Hospital for Special Surgery, New York, on ‘Additive Manufacturing of Titanium alloys for biomedical applications’.

[Oct 2019] Prof. Moridi recently visited the Corning R&D facility and gave an invited talk on Additive Manufacturing.

[Oct 2019] Moridi Group congratulates Temesgen Worku for winning Cornell University College of Engineering, Engineering Learning Initiatives Research Grant for undergraduate research.

[Oct 2019] Prof. Moridi visited Air Force Research Lab and gave a seminar on bottom up manufacturing across length scales, Thank you AFRL for being a great host.

[Sept 2019] Prof. Moridi along with several other Cornell faculties visited GE global research and presented the group capabilities on in situ characterization and monitoring of additive manufacturing.

[Aug 2019] Moridi Group welcomes new members to the group: Jennifer Bustillos, Akane Wakai and Toby Tian (PhD students), Kenny Shaughnessy, Shonak Bhattacharya and Ruidong Wang (Master students), Temesgen Worku and Vignesh Gnanasekaran (Bachelor’s students), Qi An, Sohail Mohammed, Akula Sai Pratyush and Kaushalendra Singh (Visiting researchers).

[Aug 2019] Professor Moridi started teaching a new course on Additive Manufacturing, Fall 2020.

[July 2019] Our paper on Additive Manufacturing, “State of the Art in Directed Energy Deposition: From Additive Manufacturing to Materials Design”, was published in Coatings (2019).

[June 2019] Adrita presented a poster titled : ‘Metal powder characterization and analyses to improve Additive Manufacturing processes’, for the International Fine Particle Research Institute Annual Conference, Burlington, Vermont, in June,2019.

[May 2019] Professor Moridi was awarded the Affinito-Stewart Grant of the President’s Council of Cornell Women. Congratulations!

[May 2019] Professor Moridi became a Graduate Field Faculty for the Department of Materials Science and Engineering. Congratulations!

[April 2019] Professor Moridi was an invited panelist for Expanding Your Horizons, Cornell.

[Feb 2019] Professor Moridi became a Graduate Field Faculty for the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering. Congratulations!

[Jan 2019] Jinyeon Kim, Postdoctoral Research Associate, joined Moridi Group (Spring 2019). Welcome Jinyeon!

[Aug 2018] Adrita Dass, MS Student in Materials Science and Engineering, joined Moridi Group (Fall 2018). Welcome Adrita!